May 18, 2016

My dear friend

Hi hi hi hi

Today I’m going to talk about my dear friend: Valentina. I know her since we go into high school in Cabildo in Valparaiso’s region five years ago. First we only wave at in the room class, but after my family and I had to move away to La Ligua where both live until now (La Ligua is a city bigger than Cabildo and more near to the coast). After that we moved, I had to take the bus all days to go to high school in Cabildo and there we made best friends! (i didnt told you but she lived in La Ligua before than me) so we talked about anything and we realize that we share the deepest thought about life. I like everything about her because is a pure and beautiful person, she have a great heart. I like to spend time with her because always we laugh about the stupid things and we find somethings to do like watch movies that make us cry or take pictures, but the better that we do together is eat !! Always we bought candies and cookies, or sometimes we make pancake ñamñam.
Until now we are in contact, she study in Viña del Mar and I study here in Santiago but we always talk by social network. I hope that our friendship last until forever…

Here we are:

1 comment:

  1. Helena how it's possible that I doesn't know her!! the pic is really friendlylovelyheleny
