April 06, 2016


Hello again, im apologize for not to write the past week!

 Dear readers, today im going to tell you about the country i'd like to visit (really i'd like to visit first all Latin America, but if i win a ticket to any place in the earth i will choose Russia. 

The history about my charming for this big country born since i was very young  and i liked  all the movies about the war in Russia, my brother watched it and we played Call of Duty and the missions that i loved was of this country too, i dont know why attract me so much but i think that can be for the snow, the cold and the names and last names of the people. I know that this can seem little stupid, but really in that moment the love for this country appear in me. 

When i grow up, the same brother give me the book "Crimen y castigo" by Fiódor Dostoyevski, i read a short part but with my family must to move to other city and  i lost the book :( was so sad to tell him that i lost it. Some time later, in a day like any other i watched the movie Anna Karenina and i dind't know that was about Imperial Russia (i wanted to watched it because Keira Knightley was the protagonist) but when i realise i cant stop to watched or talk about it. Was the same when i can read the book of Kerenina by Leon Tolstoi, i wanted only to lived there, in the cold.


All this makes me to search forms to learn the language and i found i youtube the reason because the last names of woman are different for man, for example in the movie the husban's last name was Karenin but the last name of Ana was Karenina, the russian add an "a" to the last names of womans. That is curious!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read Tolstoy but I'm a big fan of Dosteovsky.
